
Innovative Solutions For Sludge Collection


With over 18,000 Polychem systems currently in operation for various water and wastewater treatment purposes throughout the country, Brentwood Industries has separated itself as a leading provider of sludge collectors. They have been responsible for supplying over 70 percent of the nation’s chain and flight systems and have largely become synonymous with that category of sludge collection.

David Barrasse, Regional Sales Manager East Coast with Brentwood Industries, spoke to Water Online Radio about the latest benefits of Brentwood’s Polychem system and the innovations that keep it on top.

“The biggest improvement I think, over the last 17 years that I’ve been in the business, has been the focus on the maintenance-friendly aspect,” he says. “Everything is focused on making it easier to install and making it easier to be maintained by the operators and the maintenance crew.”

Among other features, Barrasse noted that with the Polychem nonmetallic stub shaft system, bearings can be changed in less than five minutes and the equipment can last for 25 years without worry.

The Pennsylvania-based plastics company was also showcasing their Sedvac vacuum-type sediment removal system during ACE 2015.

“Sedvac is a brand new entry into the industry in the last six or seven years,” says Barrasse. “That’s a whole different spin on types of removal systems.”

Learn more about Brentwood’s filters by tuning in below.